The Corporate Woman Can Change Lives

Expert Author Lakeisha B McKnight
Over the years, the outlook of women in the workplace has drastically changed. There used to be lots of negative stereotypes concerning the personalities of corporate women. Thankfully, with the help of social media and the voice of empowered men and women, the truly ambitious and successful women in the world are being given the credit they deserve.
Characteristics of Corporate Women
Women who have tread in the dangerous "man's world" and have reaped the fruits of their labour are at a much better position to share their experiences in that world. They are regarded as role models and a lot of people look up to them for support and guidance.
Corporate women also have clear mindsets. They know what they want in life and will expend all else to achieve it. This drive and determination is often misconstrued as selfishness but strong women know when not to cross the line. Unlike some men, women more often than not look after the needs of the whole and not primarily their own needs. That's why you are not likely to see attention grabbing females in the office.
Contributions of Corporate Women
Corporate women are crucial in the world today. Their voices and their successes have kick-started tons of rules and ideologies that have forever shaped the workplace. Some of these include:
Gender Pay Gap
Women used to receive lesser pay as compared to their male counterparts. In time, as corporate women were able to occupy ranks that allowed them a bigger say, the gender pay gap slowly but surely diminished. Nowadays, there is little to no gap at all.
Job Availability
Before, women weren't usually given jobs that were dominated by men. Most of these were in the construction, technology and science fields. These days, not only are women being encouraged to enter the said fields, those that do sometimes show up the men they work with.
With more and more women succeeding these days, there has also been a proportional increase in the number of women going into business. In fact, some studies share that about 30% of all companies are now run by women. These companies not only bring more employment but also more revenue for their respective countries.
Those are only a few of the changes that have been brought about by strong and powerful women. If you are aiming to be one, go for it. The world needs more of you.


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